Curly Girl Numbers are Registered BAS Agents and qualified Trainers. We help businesses by guiding them on their business
journey so that they can understand how their business is going.
Are you starting off a business and unsure of the business side. Bookkeeping, Payroll, GST.
Snapshot for Start-ups provides you with a 2-hour session how to set up a business from ABN registration to Website and Email hosting. Understanding Bookkeeping Basics; Money in and Money out, Money Managing, getting your Cashflow ready, Basic Operation Processes & more.
We can assist with onboarding staff to your business.
As a business owner, do you take the time to have a deep into your accounts?
Things that we check for:
*were bills being paid twice
*are the payments to the suppliers made to the correct bank account
* are you claiming the correct GST
*are wages being paid correctly
*is super being paid on time
*is the bank reconciliation up to date.
Book in for a 12 point health check of your business.
We work with Xero, MYOB and QBO Intuit.
Contact us to book in for a review.
Is the information that is being sent to the ATO for your BAS correct? How do you check this? Using a BAS Agent for an independent review will help your business report correctly.
Our review includes
*common errors with coding GST
*payroll errors for reporting
*ABN check for suppliers
*Bank accounts reconciliation review
*Loan accounts reviewed.
Contact us to book in for a BAS Review
Looking at moving from paper to a business software?
Not sure how to set this up? We help businesses set up Xero.
Understanding how to use the software used within your business will help your business grow.
Curly Girl Numbers runs training sessions for Bookkeeper, BAS Agents and Business Owners to help them understand the software being used. As a Qualified Trainer Roslyn will tailor the training sessions to suit you.
Training can be booked for one on one sessions or small group training.
Contact us to book in for training